Professional Business Article Writing Service

Need a Professional Business Article Writing Service?
Articles are a great way to promote a small business.
In the early days of the internet, all most all websites were written like a news or feature article or expanded brochure, and typically a blend of the three.
The early webmasters would interview the business owner and then develop the website and publish as a third person, which made sense then.
That doesn't make sense any longer.
Your website should be written in the first person and should be spoken directly to your target audience.
Bigfoot.Marketing provides professional, article writing services for small businesses.
Effective Small Business Marketing is NOT about Spending More Money
If you are wanting to advertise your business, there is no limit to what you can spend. As a small business owner, you must learn HOW to market, not simply find someone to tell you how to spend your marketing budget. You can do that on your own!
Learn The Difference between Marketing & Advertising
- advertising is simply spending money to publish your brand
- marketing is based upon education and strategic planning and is not fundamentally based upon spending money
- advertising is a component of marketing, but the marketing strategy is the guide for where and when to spend money
Learn the Truth about Branding, Marketing & Top of Mind Awareness
Your business’s brand includes your logo, colors and short messages (very short!). A brand alone is powerless to bring you customers and make you more money. Your branding MUST be simple and clear, but it is NOT “all important” to your company!
It takes effective MARKETING to promote a brand. Marketing includes your messages and the vehicles that are used to bring those messages to your target market.
Small businesses market with the hope of achieving what is often called "top of mind" awareness for their brands.
What is Top of Mind Awareness for Your Small Business? When someone in your target has a need for a product or service that your company provides, and the name or your business or your name is the first thing that they think of, you have achieved "top of mind awareness" with that person.
Small Business Articles are Written About a Company in the Third Person
However, it is completely appropriate for an article about you and your business to be written in the third person.
When someone visits your website, you should greet them just like they walked in to your place of business. You would not use third person language if someone walked into your business.
You would say, "Hi, my name is [your name] and I am the owner here." You wouldn't say "Welcome to [my business name] and say, [your name] is the owner. You would address them in the first person.
Local Business Owner Verified Business Reviews
A Forbes YEC survey asked this question: "On a scale of 1-10, if you narrowed down two professionals you liked, but one had much better reviews online, how much would that impact your final decision?" They discovered that eight out of ten people simply go with the one with more and better reviews.
Learn How to Get Great Reviews
Is your business receiving the reviews that it deserves? You can take action to get more and better reviews that will help you make more money.
Take Control of the Reviews Process
Is your business receiving the reviews that it deserves? Locals.Reviews puts the keys to the reviews that you deserve in your hands and places you firmly in the driver's seat.
Small Business Marketing Articles are Typically Hosted on Third Party Sites
Once your article is created, you can upload it to your website and provide instructions for others that see it to follow if they would like to host your article on their sites.
Content publishers need great content, so do a great job and you'll discover that publishers will want to use your content on their sites.
Visit Bigfoot.Marketing for Professional Article Writing Services
A Low Cost Events Booking and Ticketing System
If you are looking for a lower cost events ticketing and events booking system, take a look at the Events Booking Manager.
The Events Booking Manager provides two programs for users. You may use the free program (no monthly fees) and will be charged a small fee per ticket or you may subscribe to a paid program and pay a fixed, low monthly fee with no additional fees charged per ticket sale. You can select the program that fits your unique needs.
Your Events are Linkable and Searchable
Your events are published at the Events Booking Manager website and you may link directly to your own events as well. If you provide regular events, you can also get a unique URL to publish that will display ALL of your own events on one page.
Save Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars with the Events Booking Manager
Best Way Websites provides an easy to use and powerful website builder, website editor and content management system. Best Way Websites can literally save you hundreds or thousands of dollars each year!
Common Questions About Small Business Articles Answered
1) Should I use images in my article?
It is fine to use an image or two or three, depending upon the length of your article. Keep in mind that some publishers may disallow images. If you choose to use images, make sure they are small in byte size (try to keep to 100kb or lower) and actually help with the comprehension of your article.
2) How many links should I publish in my article?
Customarily, it is appropriate to provide a link at the close of your article along with your colophon as the author.
3) Should I allow anyone to republish my articles on their sites?
In most cases, you should not worry over this too much, so long as your policies require that they include your complete article, including your colophon or signature at the bottom.
Don't expect publishers to include images, however. Leave that up to them.
Most publishers will not want to provide content that doesn't interest their readers.
If you do want to restrict who can republish your articles, then make that clear, but make it as easy as possible for those that want to publish your content to do so.
A Low Cost Events Booking and Ticketing System
If you are looking for a lower cost events ticketing and events booking system, take a look at the Events Booking Manager.
The Events Booking Manager provides two programs for users. You may use the free program (no monthly fees) and will be charged a small fee per ticket or you may subscribe to a paid program and pay a fixed, low monthly fee with no additional fees charged per ticket sale. You can select the program that fits your unique needs.
Your Events are Linkable and Searchable
Your events are published at the Events Booking Manager website and you may link directly to your own events as well. If you provide regular events, you can also get a unique URL to publish that will display ALL of your own events on one page.
Save Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars with the Events Booking Manager
Is your current events booking and events ticketing system costing you too much money? The Events Booking Manager can literally save you hundreds or thousands of dollars each year!
The Pros and Cons of Writing Marketing Articles
Providing content for other websites or even print media gets your business information a wide distribution and can be one of the most effective marketing strategies for helping to market a small business.
The Pros
- It's Free
Website owners and online media are desperate for content and are willing to post your unique, quality-written, relevant article on their sites. - It Gets You in Front of Other Businesses' Markets
Having your content appear on other websites gets new eyes on your business. - It Builds Credibility
Having your material show up on other owners' sites suggests that you're an expert. - You Might Get Paid Some blogs, and online magazines pay you to post your article.
You can even pitch your article ideas to print magazines or industry newsletters, many of which pay as well.
The Cons
- It takes time not only to write the article but also to find a media outlet to publish it.
And with most media outlets now wanting original exclusive content, you can't distribute the same article to multiple places. Each place you'd like an article to appear needs its own original piece. - You have no control over when your article will run.
If the outlet decides to post it at all. - There is no guarantee that people who read the article will seek out your business.
The best way to entice readers to check your business out is through a quality article and promoting your lead magnet in your bio.